Groundswell 1.1
Groundswell Seeds Vol. 1.1 Groundswell – A movement of people using online and other ways to connect, take charge of their own experiences, and get what they need---information, support, ideas, products and services, and bargaining power ---from each other. Clarion County and it's surrounding rural areas have a beautiful natural landscape, wonderful industrious people, and Clarion University, a great place to learn. There is a need to grow internally by working together and by bringing more folks here to play, learn, work, and stay as new residents. Groundswell Seeds is the newsletter to stakeholders and the blog of “VisitClarion”. Visitclarion is a mobile app designed to inform local stakeholders and prospective visitors about events, amenities, and opportunities. We will provide information, ideas, products, services and many opportunities for participation by local stakeholders as well as visitors from the outside world. Some of our focus will be on Loc...