Leaving Home Without Losing Home
Stories about keeping my home alive, and an opportunity possible for aging rural communities
Attachment to your past is a powerful emotion. Thirty years
ago, choosing to live in one place ultimately meant being unable to enjoy
another. Today, the emotional gaps brought about from growing distances
are narrowing. It has been my experience that an open mind and a decent
internet connection can greatly help quell homesickness and allow more people
to explore new, creative opportunities for themselves. Clarion County,
like rural communities all over the nation, may have for itself its own
opportunity to maximize this new potential and begin to regrow its demographics
and population. In order to articulate that opportunity, I will need to
provide some context about my story, my nostalgia. This story spans my
years spent growing up in Rockland County, NY, living and working in
Philadelphia, and eventually moving to Northwestern Pennsylvania. My hope is
that sharing my experience through storytelling gives insight into my own
decision-making, both for the benefit of peers considering a similar move, and
also for rural communities who are in such a great need for young, hard-working
As of 2017, the average age of a Clarion County resident is
41. Of its approximately 39,000 residents, only 21.6% fall between the
ages of 25 and 44. Like rural communities all over the United States,
Clarion County experienced a flight of young adults from their hometowns to the
cities. According to 2000 census data, 40% of Clarion County’s residents
fell between the ages of 25-44; we’ve experienced nearly a 20% drop in 20
years. No doubt, any town or county without young adults is placed at an
economic disadvantage. Fewer youth means fewer new businesses, fewer
succession plans for existing businesses, more gaps in generational values and
ways of life, etc. For the brief time I have lived and worked in Clarion
County, I have heard one consistent question being asked to combat this
downward trend: how do we get young people to come back to Clarion
County? Nostalgia is very attractive, and it's often effective in drawing
people back to what they once knew. It, however, may not be long-lasting
and could quickly wear off. Short, regular visits home are often enough
to treat that nostalgia fix anyway. So, perhaps that question is
not the right question. Better, maybe it should not be the only
question. A different question could be around how Clarion County
attracts new people to the area, people who do not have roots here or cannot
call it home. It is a simple question but it is arguably not being asked
enough. I enjoy entertaining that question with anyone who might listen.
I, personally, fall about halfway between those two
questions. I am not a Clarion County native. I am not from
Pennsylvania. I grew up in Rockland County, New York. My wife,
however, is from Clarion County. When we made the decision to move here
in March 2019 from Philadelphia, we wrestled with an unending list of
questions, most of which we could best only wait on answers for. Perhaps
we had a bit more social capital in Philadelphia. Certainly, the city
offered a greater list of traditional employment and recreational opportunities.
Those clear-cut differences were not hard to weigh. The difficulty laid
in the intangibles. The uprooting. The removal of normalcy, fear of
losing friendships and relationships, no longer belonging to a sense of place,
etc. One of my greatest fears was that I would be ending the trajectory
of my career, or at least greatly damaging its momentum. Call it, my
personal opportunity cost. With those daunting thoughts swirling,
Courtney and I ultimately decided that examining one’s values is what carries
weight needed to potentially tip the scales of indecision. That is what
we did. We decided that our family would best remain whole if we made the
move to Western Pennsylvania. Since our move, that list of unending
questions has slowly started to stabilize, which has granted our family greater
clarity and rhythm over the past year. I was fortunate to find a
fulfilling job, we are blessed with supportive family nearby, and we’ve been
able to strike a better balance between work and recreation. What has remained
unanswered following our move was the degree to which I would need to change in
order to find fulfillment; how much of my life, culture, and perspective would
I need to lay down since I could no longer share it with others who might
understand? Fortunately over the past year, I have been able to find the
beginning of some answers to that question too.
The Keystone State
I have jokingly told friends that the only thing Clarion County
and Philadelphia have in common is that they’re both in Pennsylvania. My
wife and I lived in Philadelphia for about 6 years. She is a Clarion
County native, so we would often make the trek to Clarion County for holidays
and birthdays. One of our preferred routes included Rt. 322-W between
Harrisburg and Bellefonte, PA. Cutting through small towns in the Happy
Valley was a welcomed reprieve from the interstates. As we would travel
westward, we’d often comment on the subtle changes of our environment: the
darkening roads, the ‘blink and you’ll miss ‘em” towns and villages, and the
wooded hills. Perhaps the starkest change was the temperature! It
typically tended to drop 10-15 degrees, especially in the colder months.
This drive, particularly for the first few years we made it, always was my own
personal, “we’re not in Kansas anymore” experience. My first ever trip to
Clarion County was in 2011. For the last eight-plus years, our regular
visits allowed me to have a gradual intake of life out in Northwestern PA: the
food, way of speaking, values, hobbies, etc. Still fresh in my mind is
the image of a father and son walking alongside Rt. 208 outside Knox, PA, both
with hunting rifles slung over their shoulders. That was not something I
was accustomed to. Frankly, I could have easily started to make a list.
Getting to know Clarion County was also not the first time I had
to learn about Pennsylvania life. I got started in PA in 2008 when I
began attending college at Eastern University, which is located in Delaware
County, just outside Philadelphia. Unfamiliar with words like hoagiefest,
there was a bit of a learning curve here too. The regularity of being
surrounded by Phillies fans also took some getting used to. As a die-hard
New York Mets fan, there is certainly no love lost between those two teams. I, for
one, did not shy away from wearing my blue-and-orange around campus,
and I soon found myself starting to enjoy being
that nuisance. I suppose it could be said that those first 4
years in PA, while attending college, gave me a soft introduction to
Pennsylvania. As with the life of a college student, your perspective is
recrafted, though you are still tethered to your hometown. New norms are
experienced, but old habits and lifestyle preferences can still ring
A bit about Rockland.
Prior to PA, Rockland County was the only place I had ever called
home. An unfortunate truth that too many people experience is not fully
appreciating a place until its time in your life has passed. The
residents of Rockland County, even long before it was considered a county, have
long held witness to some of the greatest events in American and pre-American
history. As a lover of history, I often find myself captivated and
energized by the events of the past that took place so close to where I once
called home. Rockland’s known history reaches far back to the arrival of
Henry Hudson and his efforts to discover the Northwest Passage. No doubt,
Hudson’s ship sailed past present-day Rockland County. I like to think
that the beauty of Rockland’s wooded cliffs along the great spanning river only
added to Hudson’s growing enthusiasm and his belief that he may have finally
found what he had been searching for. Other bits of its history include
the arrival of early Dutch settlers in America, records of Continental soldiers
skirmishing with British Redcoats along the Hudson River, and massive quarries
along the river helping to build the skyscrapers on the Manhattan
As it stands today, Rockland County is a vibrant piece of New York
living and culture, and its connection with NYC is strong and
far-reaching. My hometown, West Nyack, sits about 20 driving miles away
from Uptown Manhattan and 25 driving miles from The Bronx. As a young
boy, I remember sometimes accompanying my father on his way to work. My
dad’s office was on Park Avenue in Manhattan. Commuting there everyday
would include catching the bus over the bridge, where we would then take the
Metro North train down into Grand Central. The hour long commute would
conclude with a brisk seven-block walk, where we would arrive at a marble-laid
building, with golden-plated handrails leading to the elevators. I hadn’t
the slightest idea what my dad did for a living. All I knew was that this
building was a terrific place to do it in! My father was not alone in his
daily commute from Rockland County. Each day, thousands of Rocklanders
travel to work in the city via car, bus, rail, and ferry. With so many
people coming and going, Rockland has been the beneficiary of countless
cultural influences. A standout is Rockland’s strong Jewish
population. Notably, approximately 30% of those 325,000 Rockland
residents are Jewish, which gives Rockland County the largest Jewish population
per capita in the United States for a county. Safe to say, everyone has their
opinion on who's got the best bagels in town!
Over the bridge from Flushing
Both of my parents grew up in the city. My mom grew up in
The Bronx. Both of her parents were raised in Puerto Rico, but it was not
until they lived in New York that they had met and eventually married. The
Bronx in the 1970’s was a tumultuous place, certainly not a safe place to raise
their young daughter. In 1976, my grandparents left Soundview and made the move
to Flushing, Queens. They bought a house on 161st street. Next door lived a
twenty-year-old Mets fan, who grew up riding his bike to Shea Stadium.
The story goes that one afternoon, my mom and my great-aunt Ada spotted my dad
from their window taking out the trash. Aunt Ada leaned over my mom’s
shoulder and said, “you see that boy? You’re going to marry him.”
My mom was perplexed by my aunt’s prediction, mainly because he was
white. Inevitably, next-door neighbors tend to meet one another; the rest
is history.
In 1980, my parents married. They left Queens in 1983 and made the
move to Rockland County. The rest of my extended family on both sides
remained in Queens. Our connection there remained strong, so our family
would make frequent weekend trips to Queens to visit grandparents, aunts,
uncles, and cousins. And the Mets. Visits to Queens generally
consisted of biking in Kissena Park, chasing down Mister Softee, getting pizza
at Pizza Garden on Northern Boulevard, and playing wiffleball in my grandma’s
driveway. If we were lucky, we’d get Mets tickets in hopes of seeing Mike
Piazza hit a home run.
Looking back on those days, I consider myself fortunate to have
those pieces of New York form some of my earliest and most cherished childhood
memories. Now that I live in Northwestern PA with my wife and young
daughter, Rosalie, I often ponder on what my daughter’s experience
growing up out here will be like compared to my own. How will it form
her? What will she look back on thirty years from now and cherish?
For me, it is only natural to want to give my daughter a piece of what my
childhood was like. If I were fathering my daughter thirty years ago,
this would have been a very difficult challenge. The internet was in its
infancy and certainly not a household product. Video media was available,
but its production was limited and its scope particularly narrow.
Community and culture transcending distance was a challenge. The only way
to immerse yourself in a new place was to set your feet there.
Today, community and culture can be born out of the
distance. The world is shrinking, and in many ways this is a good thing,
particularly for rural communities. It has come to no surprise that I
have not met a single Mets fan since I have moved to Western PA. I,
however, have not felt total deprivation from not being in New York because I
am still able to engage with Mets fans everyday. Social media keeps
conversations alive and well. Radio apps allow me to play New York sports
radio in my car as I travel up and down Rt. 322. Other app subscriptions
allow me to turn on any Mets game in my living room, both live or pre-recorded.
My experience as a Mets fan continues to live in real-time, and I am not
alone in this. Although most Mets fans live in New York and New Jersey,
there is a large community of transplants all over the country. This
community was born out of their distance from New York, and the emotional gaps
created by distance are narrowed.
Know that this kind of experience is fortunately not limited to
sports fans. As mentioned earlier, my mother’s parents both grew up in
Puerto Rico. My mother is a proud Nuyorican. One of my
favorite meals growing up was arroz con habichuelas y pernil. Obviously,
the greatest way to enjoy these foods is to eat them. The second best,
and vastly undervalued, way is to talk about them with others who also appreciate
them! No surprise, the internet cannot cook for you. But it can
connect you with people who are like-minded. Technology plays an integral
role here because you are able to genuinely reminisce with others around the
world about something that is so near and dear, when thirty years ago that
would have been a near impossibility. The emotional gaps created by
distance are narrowed.
Flourishing both Here and There
With all of that in mind, what is the takeaway here? And
what does it mean for me that I now live in Northwestern PA? Well, it
means that I can live and flourish here without wanting to always look back
over my shoulder and plan frequent, unsustainable trips to New York. It
means I can enjoy where I am and who I am with without weighing the opportunity
cost. Do I miss New York? Absolutely! Can the atmosphere at
Citi Field be imitated, or can the smell of a Puerto Rican kitchen be
simulated? No way! But the tools that today’s technology have
enabled me to keep tabs on New York everyday. The tools of today’s
technology help me stay informed about what’s going on in my old
neighborhoods. As a result, those tools help me stay present with my
family in the here and now. This is a very personal, emotionally dynamic
experience for me. Perhaps others could have a different experience, but
I am of the mind that there are plenty of others around Pennsylvania who might
experience something similar.
That said, my mind wanders to what could be if my experience were
strategically targeted by a county or region in order to attract
newcomers. Millennials and Gen Z Americans move much more fluidly than
previous generations. Their values are also different. Quality of
life, work-life balance, and flexibility are at the top of the list.
These are the questions that employers have been trying to answer and
address. As a result, working from home has become much more
commonplace. As have co-working hubs and remote offices. No doubt,
the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of these shifting
sands. Many large businesses do not plan to return to conventional office
norms, regardless of how quickly an effective vaccine is found and
deployed. So how might Clarion County begin to explore reaping
benefits? Priority one is without a doubt connectivity. There is a
profound sense of frustration with the words “No Service.” Many, myself
included, embrace the seclusion that the county offers, but most days I am
simply wanting to quickly find an answer to a question I have, or stay connected
to a phone call I am on. A reliable connectivity infrastructure is on its
way to being on par with gas, sewage, and electric. If there are any deal
breakers when it comes to attracting young talent, connectivity shortages
certainly make the short list.
Successfully finding and attracting young risk takers can infuse a
town, county, or region with tremendous economic relief. Clarion County
remains affordable. Owning a home has often been a major challenge for
millennials simply because financial affordability and employment opportunities
generally do not co-reside. The increasing normalcy of working from home
has begun to legitimately address this problem. The question that remains
is who is ready to leverage this change for their area.
All in all, I have embraced the transplanted New Yorker
identity. Like any transplant, at the beginning, it is not your new
environment that sustains you but rather the nutrients you carry from your
previous one. Not until your old roots can once again take hold and begin
drawing from your new soil home do you find yourself growing once again.
I have found this to be true. I have also found it to be true that this
process can be arduous, often painful. I am very grateful for people and
communities that can now, thanks to technology, transcend the distance and keep
you invigorated. It has allowed me an easier time in holding fast to the
decision I made until my new roots once again take hold. It is my hope
that emerging technology landscapes can be embraced, both by communities and
individuals. These constantly budding technological landscapes may be a
connector that allows rural communities a new opportunity to welcome newcomers.
Too, they may also be the means for newcomers to find the strength, energy, and
insight to make that difficult decision, survive the early trials, and begin to
grow in a new place, which could benefit so greatly from their contribution.
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